Massanutten Water Park

I had a special day with the girls today. We woke up and went to Massanutten – about 2 1/2 hours away – so that they could swim at the waterpark there. It was really fun. We arrived there around 11:30, and left around 3:45. The girls went on the lazy river, did a few slides, swam in a few small pools, and went in the hot tub. They convinced me to go in the lazy river with them, which actually felt great. It's been a while since I felt sort of light! 

One bummer: A has caught a cold. She counted how many times she sneezed today, and counted to 72! Poor pup. She was a good sport, though. When we got home around 6:30, she got right in bed and took a little nap, which is very much unlike her.

We had a totally junky lunch – hamburger (me), pizza (A) and chicken tenders (M). Tonight was a healthier dinner: greek yogurt for both girls, soup for A and scrambled eggs for M.

We got to see Daddy briefly before he left for Pakistan tonight. He will be home on Thursday.

It was a special day and I am so glad that I was able to spend it with M&A. We really had fun. Tonight I told them that it was really a treat to be with them, and A said, "No, Mommy, it was a treat to be with you." AWW.

En route home, they watched Footloose (the original) because A is singing Footloose songs for Notebusters. We also finished our book club book on audio – very efficient! The girls like audiobooks a lot!

Definitely a tiring day – 5 hours of driving plus the waterpark – I am ready for bed!

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