Dioramas and Flamingoes

Today we made some progress with resolving A's issues with the girl at school that has been causing her trouble. She and I met with the girl and her mom, and the girl apologized to A. Then the moms met with A's teacher, who will be monitoring things. So hopefully we are on the road to getting things back on track. I know that it will be a process, but the right tools are in place to deal with it. I am very proud of A for coming with me to confront the other girl, for standing up to her fears about the situation, and for being so gracious about it. I asked the teacher if A was contributing to the problem in any way, or encouraging it, and she said no. So that's good.

Today A is having a playdate with a friend from last year whom she likes a lot, which will hopefully be a postive thing for her. She and M, as I mentioned earlier, are also getting along very nicely. I think they had a fun weekend together. They went on a playdate yesterday with another friend which apparently was just enh due to bossiness on the part of the other girl. Sigh.

OK, on to pictures! First, here is M's Betsy Ross diorama!


This is Betsy's sewing shop. Betsy is sitting in the chair, with the new flag in front of her, and sitting in the customer chairs are George Washington and his colleague wearing three-pointed hats. (A made the feathers!) Behind Betsy is a workbench with fabric, a thimble and thread.

More shots:



This is A looking in the window from the outside of the diorama:


And this is M looking through the window:


And here are both of them looking in:


The diorama made the trip to school easily and in one piece.

Now here are some photos from the performance yesterday at the building museum. Flash photography wasn't allowed so they are a little blurry.

These are baby flamingoes at the end of the stage:



I believe these are the older flamingoes:


These are sandwich boards:


These are gerber daisies and the Mad Hatter:



This is Alice and the the Mad Hatter:


And this is the choreographer and head of the Washington Ballet, Septime Webre:


I have video of the performance as well which I will try to upload. It's a new videocamera and that was the first time I had used it, so I am new to the transfer process. UPDATE: It's uploaded! Here is the video of them dancing. It's hard to know which they are, but they are the pair second in from the end on the left.



And here is a test video of Lucky:


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