Performance Weekend

We had quite a weekend!

The girls had two performances of their scene in Alice. Friday they performed at the Washington Club, and today they performed at the Cherry Blossom Festival at the National Building Museum. I got to see them today, and they were great! I have photos and video, which I will upload tomorrow when I have a little more energy. Their costumes were great, and after the performance they got hugs from Septime Webre, which was very special. Thanks to Grampy for making the trek downtown to see the girls perform!

In addition to the performances, the girls also had rehearsal yesterday plus ballet class. Today, they got out of their performance early enough that they could go to the last hour of Sunday School, which they haven't been to in a long time. So that was good.

We also finished M's diorama of Betsy Ross today! It looks great. I have pics which I will upload tomorrow. It was a fun project to work on together, and A helped us with it too which was really sweet.

Tonight we had a fun dinner with the Campers at their fancy club. Pregnant women love buffets!! The kids all had fun too.

I am sure I am missing other details from the weekend. It was fun spending lots of time at home with the girls.

Tomorrow, we are hopefully taking the first step to resolve the issue with A and her friend at school who hasn't been very nice to her. Hopefully it will go well. She has been very upset about it.

Oh, after the performance on Friday, the girls got these baby flamingoes in eggs that crack once you put them in water for 3 days. The eggs have started cracking and the flamingoes within have started to emerge. A is a bit obsessed with her egg and when it will hatch. She even made up a song this morning about the egg – "There is a a crack in my egg!" sung in a very operatic voice.

OK, more tomorrow with pics and video.


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