NY Weekend

We had a great weekend in NY.

Yesterday, Dan and the girls went with Grandpa Ron and Grandma Dina on a long walking tour of lower Manhattan. They started out on Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, and then walked up to Chinatown and had dim sum for dinner with Darrah, Jason and Sydney. Then it was off to Little Italy for dessert. All of that took about 11 hours! They did tons of walking and had a great time.

Meanwhile, I was at the Crossword Tournament with Grampy. It was much, much harder to compete than to observe. The puzzles were very hard this year. Well, it went like this: 1- easy, 2- impossible, 3- hard, 4- easy, 5- really hard, 6- not too bad, and 7 – manageable. I didn't place very well. I scored #435 out of about #590. Grampy did much better. He scored #252 overall and was #6 in the 70s category. Here are the two lessons I learned this year: 1) ALWAYS, ALWAYS read the title of the puzzle and any directions at the top; and 2) Don't go slowly. Hopefully we will be able to go again next year and I can put those lessons to use. I am already looking forward to it.

Grampy and I had dinner with Jonathan, Liz, Sarah and Rachel in the city on Saturday night, which was a special treat.

Today was the finals of the tournament, and then I went over to Sydney's second birthday party, which had already been going for 2 hours. She was adorable and seemed to enjoy her party and the cake and presents.

M took a lot of pictures at the party, and there are lots of others from the weekend, which I will upload tomorrow.

The girls have no school on Friday. And they have a performance that night at the Washington Club – they are performing Alice. So that's good timing.

The girls were really great all weekend. They had a great time with their family, were terrific with the little kids at Sydney's party, and were very well-behaved at the tournament. They had to spend some time at the tournament on their own today while I was doing Puzzle #7 and Daddy was running. They sat in the back of the room and played on (silent) iPads.

A last note. A hasn't been happy with her lunchbox this year. Last year, she chose a lunchbox with Tinkerbell on it, which is odd because she's not into Tinkerbell at all. She's been carrying her lunchbox in her backpack for a while, and I finally figured out that it's because she doesn't want other people to see it, which makes me sad. So we went online and found her a new one that she is excited about:

It will arrive in a few days.

Lucky is back home with us! He was at Laurie's (his foster mom) for the weekend. And it was his birthday on Saturday! We assigned him St. Patrick's Day as his birthday based on the vet's estimates of his age and the fact that his name is Lucky. So we missed his birthday (boo) but apparently he had a great day with his beagle pals at Laurie's house.

Ok, more tomorrow, with photos.



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