Heavy Stuff for a Thursday Night

I picked the girls up from ballet tonight and saw a mom there who (inexplicably) hadn't noticed I was pregnant before. She asked the girls if they were excited about the baby. That prompted a conversation where M said, "I don't understand why you didn't tell me you were going to put the egg in. Then I would have told you NOT to. I don't WANT a baby." and A said, "I just want to give him piggyback rides and put him in Time Out." Fun. I told M that one reason I didn't tell her is that I didn't know if I would get pregnant or not; that it took a year to get pregnant with them and another year to get pregnant with the Captain. She said that if she had known she would have said no.

I also came home to a robo-message from their school saying that kids have been forming clubs during recess that exclude other kids and in some cases encourage members to hate other kids. There is no tolerance for that at the school and the principal is going to have all the teachers talk to the classes. A has been in a club at recess with some third graders, but she said that she quit the club today and that it wasn't an exclusive club at all. M said she wouldn't want to join the Chess Club because she doesn't like to play chess.

A also called me after school to say that she didn't want to go to Notebusters, that it isn't as fun as last year, and that her friends are all quitting (not true). I told her she had to go and give it at least another week. Turns out she had a good time.

Today M had to bring something to share at school. She was going to bring her metal detector. Then she decided not to bring the metal detector and instead brought a little box that Grandma Sandy brought back from a trip that has a secret sliding door. One of her classmates accidentally broke it, and she is very upset. I told her that Grandma will be happy to know that M brought it to school to show her class, and that one of the great benefits of being a twin is that we have a second one upstairs that A has offered to share with her. She may bring the metal detector next time.

Tomorrow we leave for Brooklyn for the Crossword Tournament and Sydney's birthday. Yay!

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