Footloose/Grease Kickoff

Today was A's first day of Notebusters, the Footloose/Grease season. I am so excited for those songs! She is at ballet and I am posting before I leave for the day, so I haven't yet heard how it went. I can't wait to hear which songs they sang first.

Imogene and M went home after school because they thought A's class was out at 4:45. It really ended at 4. So when A came out, no one was there to meet her. She didn't panic; she borrowed her friend's mom's cell phone and called me on my cell phone and was very calm about it. By then, Imogene and M were on their way, so it was only a few minutes before they got to her.

Captain Fluffball has been practicing his dance moves all day today. 2 co-workers got to feel him move!

I wanted to post this photo of the girls' Great-Great-Aunt Ann, who gave M Baby, and who has had a lot of medical challenges lately. Here is a recent photo of her and her son. Doesn't she look great? She is still reading the blog regularly – hi Aunt Ann! We are so happy that you are doing well!

Mom and Richard in her living room 1-6-12

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