Back from NY

I am back from NY. Had a good, productive, and exhausting trip and was happy to get home. A called me when I was en route from the train station because she wanted to talk about a website she was on, learning about how to audition to be an actress on TV. (!) She is very focused on that right now. I finally told her I had to get off because I was outside the house! A second later, the door opened and both girls were outside to welcome me home. So sweet.

I think A's dance performance went fine today (the one she did with Anton). I didn't get a great sense of what the dance was, but she did it for Daddy last night.

I hope the Captain has enjoyed all the places he's been in utero – New York a bunch of times, California, Las Vegas twice, and soon Austin.

Last night in the hotel was the first good night of sleep I have had in probably three months. So desperately needed.

OK, off to bed. Already been awake and alseep once so tonight will definitely not mirror last night's night of sleep!

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