Saturday Report

I didn't post yesterday because I was at the consignment sale volunteering and was exhausted when I got home. I fell asleep on the couch at 10. Then I got up early this morning to go to the sale itself (yesterday was setup). Another good sale – got lots of clothes for the Captain as well as an exersaucer, bouncy seat, and some toys. The funniest part is that M&A love to play with the toys – they couldn't wait to get back from ballet this morning so that they could play with them. M likes the corn popper. 🙂

Another funny thing – a boy called here for A today. Daddy answered the phone. I felt sorry for the boy! Daddy was like, "Um, who is this? She's not here right now" even though A was just downstairs. The boy is in her class and wants to have her over for a playdate. They are doing a performance together in music class on Wednesday. He's a very polite boy who kept saying that he was "Anton from Ms. Cobb's second grade class". Daddy is also impressed that he's from Denmark, lived in Switzerland, and speaks a few languages. M wants me to add that he only writes in cursive.

A called him back and they had a very cute conversation. They decided to get together on Monday instead of Sunday. The whole thing was very cute.

M&A had a needlepoint lesson at Nana and Grampy's today that really was more of a frozen yogurt/playground date than a needlepoint lesson.

Tonight Daddy and I are going out to dinner and Imogene is babysitting. I wanted to get this post up today in case I am too tired to post tonight, which is entirely possible.

M is sitting next to me while I type – M, do you have anything to add? She says "no". Are you sure? Anything at all? Oh, she reminds me that they had ballet today and went to Office Depot where she got some new dry erase pens for her teacher, who asked for them. Anything else? She adds that she went with Daddy to the tailor, which has to be one of the most boring errands ever for kids, second only to the furniture store. She says, "actually it was really fun. There was stool with a hole under it and I went in it and made faces." Apparently A did the same thing.

Also… Happy Birthday to my dear friend Tuvana

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