Almost To The End of the Week

We have almost made it to the end of another busy week. Yesterday was the annual Jump Rope for Heart, where the girls did exercises and jump-roping for two hours after school to raise money for the American Heart Association. Grandma Sandy and Imogene tried to go and watch, but adults were asked to leave. Grandma took some pictures, which I will post this weekend.

Today was a beautiful day. The girls wore sundresses to school and asked me to put curls in their hair this morning with my curling iron. They looked so cute as they went off to school and said that they got a LOT of compliments, including from boys.

Today is also Imogene's birthday.  She had lunch with a friend, and then had a birthday cake that we got her. The girls had ballet tonight and came home and did their homework for tomorrow.

Tomorrow I am volunteering at the consignment sale for the local parents of multiples club. I have spent the last two weeks going through years and years of clothes and tagging and sorting and hanging. It makes me sad to give away all those clothes, but we are having a Captain who won't want to wear dresses and pink and flowers! I have set aside a lot of clothes for Sydney and her future baby sister too. Tomorrow I will volunteer at the setup and on Saturday morning I will shop there for boys' clothes!

So glad it's Friday tomorrow. 🙂