Happy Presidents’ Day!

I LOVE having Monday off. Such a fun time to be home with the girls. They didn't come home from their sleepover until 10:30, and then Grandma Sandy came over and gave them a piano lesson. Then we hung out, and Daddy took them to the playground where they rode scooters and hung out with Lucky. Another sunny warm February (?!) day. Then we played Kids on Stage, they played a new game on my iPad, we had turkey meatloaf for dinner, they took a shower (!), and it was bedtime!

Not a bad day for any of us.

Just wish I could get rid of this rash, which is driving me crazy.

Here is the last round of pics from last weekend:





1 comment

A says:

I enjoyed this blog. It’s good to know that you, Gayle, are doing so well with your pregnancy. I congratulate you, and the coming baby boy. You will really have a complete family soon.
I apologize for not writing sooner. I still “owe” so many people a reply to their cards, phone calls, letters, etc. Things will settle down, and I h
ope to be more prompt. I send love to you, Dan and the girls. Love all of you.
Aunt Ann

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