Not Weird, but Adorable

Tonight, the girls are going to the ballet with Grandma Sandy. They had the day off from school, and had a playdate with Charlotte in the afternoon. We also got report cards which I will share this weekend.

In the meantime, some cute stuff:

This is The Second Grade Star, which I think is produced by the whole grade, not just M's class. M&A are in it:

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Glad that the girls will be adorable, but not weird. Also love the Question of the Day.

And here is something A did for the 100th day of school. As always, love the detail in her drawings:

I love that her favorite lunch is a hot dog, juice box, and granola bar. (Actually, I just like that she likes ANY of the lunches I make her.)

Also, her favorite book is the first of the 39 Clues series, Maze of Bones. And look at the cute picture she drew of herself.

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