Friday Update

I tried to post last night but I fell asleep before I even logged on. So much for that second trimester burst of energy!

Last night I was brushing A's teeth and forgot to go gently on her very loose tooth. As a result, it fell right out! I screamed, and startled A, but she managed to spit it out with her toothpaste and was very excited. She put it under her pillow and Nora visited last night. I left early this AM and didn't get a chance to see what Nora wrote, but I am sure that it was as clever and thoughtful as ever.

A few funny things:

  • I got a glider off of Craigslist for the baby's room. It is very nice and has been sitting in our living room since the nursery is full of stuff, as we wait for the built-ins to be installed on Monday. M & A have been sitting in it and at night have been fighting over who gets to be in it. There are some little pockets on the side, perhaps for magazines or snacks while nursing, and M pointed to one of them on Wednesday night and said, "That's where the baby will go!" Uh, no.
  • I ordered a little outfit for the Captain that arrived the other day. M looked at it, shook her head, and said, "Nah, that does nothing for me." (I said, in a whisper, "Me neither!")
  • When I dropped M off at school on the day she had the dentist appointment, her teacher took me aside and said, "Do you want a parent-teacher conference?" I said that we did, and she sort of shrugged and said, "I mean, she's at the top of her class…" I said that we still wanted one!

Here is some very cute stuff that came home in M's folder:

1) M had to say who her hero was, and she chose Imogene.


2) Here's is M's New Year's resolution. It hasn't borne out, but I love the thought.



3) And here is the latest edition of Nickel's News, which M and her friends have been writing. I love that she wrote about the Captain.



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