Tough Tuesday

Kind of a stressful day today..

  • A woke up saying that her ear hurt – something she's been saying for the last few days. So Daddy took her to the doctor this morning. All fine – no ear infection, no strep.
  • While they were at the pediatrician, I was at the OB. All is fine with the Captain – good heartbeat, great sono results. My weight gain is right on track and I am measuring where I am supposed to be. However, I have a rather serious complication – a fibroid that is growing quickly and has moved from my cervix to my uterus. It is now positioned right where my c-section would be. So… I will have a scheduled c-section that will be a perpendicular incision rather than the modern incision, AND the doctor wants to have another GYN surgeon in the room to assist, AND he wants me to have two pints of family-donated blood on hand because of the high risk of need for transfusion, AND he talked about the possibility of an emergency hysterectomy if they can't stem the bleeding. A little stressful.
  • Girls were hyper and screaming a lot tonight. Not sure what's going on there but it's not so relaxing.
  • A left me a message after school today saying that she is very sad because Cookie Monster is turning into Veggie Monster. (Really?) And also that Oscar the Grouch is cleaning up his act. What?
  • Daddy tried to get the girls interested in SOTU tonight, pointing out Cabinet members, Supreme Court Justices, etc. They were not very interested.
  • We have early morning dentist appointments for the girls tomorrow. A has a tooth that is about to fall out – wonder if that will happen tomorrow.
  • The den is being painted tomorrow – yay! Built-ins installed next week.
  • And a stressful week at work.

So that's the update from here. I should go to bed.


Lisa says:

Bummer – sorry you had a rough day. Glad to hear the baby is doing well and that your doctor is planning for every scenario, even the kind of scary ones. Thinking about you!

Ann Brooks says:

Sorry about the complication with the fibroid. I hope all goes well. Give my love to the girls and to grandma Sandy and Dan.
By the way, this is the first time I’ve been on the computer since my hip replacement surgery. (It’s like a maiden voyage.)
Aunt Ann

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