Weekend Wrap-Up

This was a busy and important weekend!

FIrst, the girls were invited to audition for a new ballet – Alice in Wonderland – which is the Washington Ballet Company's show and will be performed at the Kennedy Center this April. Very exciting! They auditioned yesterday afternoon for one of three parts: Card, Flamingo or Pig. We will find out later this week if they got in. Not everyone who auditioned will get a part, so we are keeping hopes and expectations in check. Both girls said, when we got to the school on Saturday, "This is the most important day of my life!" They were measured for costumes, and M thinks that she saw Septime Webre pointing at them and writing something down, so we are hopeful but we will try not to be disappointed if it doesn't work out.

We (all 4) had a fun dinner last night with the Murphy-Kohns at Lia's. Everyone behaved very nicely and the desserts were wonderful.

Today the girls had Sunday School, and then afterwards they wanted to have a playdate with Emily. M called Emily's dad to find out if she could come over, and he said she couldn't. Then M called Charlotte's house, and asked if Charlotte wanted to come over, and it turned out that Emily was headed over to Charlotte's. So M managed to invite herself and A over as well, AND they dictated what they all did – watch the movie version of Alice in Wonderland. They watched the new, Tim Burton one, and surprisngly liked it a lot. So that was good.

Other good news – A brought home the results of her latest standardized test in reading and math. She is now reading at a 4.4 level (four months into 4th grade), which is a big change since the beginning of the year. We are very proud of her. Her math level 3.1 – one month into third grade – which is also great. Nice work, A!

Both girls are sitting on their huge animals that they got from Nana and Grampy for Christmas (M's is a dog named Cookie and A's is a lamb named Sugar or Whipped Cream) and we are watching Project Runway: All Stars – the Miss Piggy episode. They are so much fun to be around and I couldn't love them more than I do.


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