Friday Is Finally Here

It has been a very long week.

We were exiled from the house for three nights due to the fumes from the hardwood floor refinishing. Thank you to Grandma Sandy who took us in – including Lucky – for three nights in a row. We slept at her house and woke up early every day to return home to get ready for school. So it has been a week of late nights and cold, dark early mornings. Thursday was especially early because M had an orthodontist appointment at 8AM. The good news is that the extractions in November made a lot of room for the teeth that were crooked and things have straightened out nicely. The bad news is that she still has more teeth coming in and will definitely need braces eventually. We go back in 3 months to see how one tooth that is in crossbite is doing.

Exciting news – the girls have been selected to audition for an upcoming ballet at the Kennedy Center – Alice in Wonderland. Auditions are tomorrow and we will know more then.

In other news, A had to pick a hero that she will research and present – she chose Ruby Bridges, the first African-American to attend a "white" school. She has spent a lot of time this week researching with Daddy.

In other news, Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron fulfilled M's longterm dream of owning a metal detector. It arrived this week and she is SO excited. I need to assemble it this weekend.

My OB appointment this AM was cancelled because he was doing a delivery. I've rescheduled it for Tuesday and have a list of questions to ask him. The Captain is moving around a lot and making his presence known. A wants to be sure that he isn't moving around as much as he did.

Signing off after a loooooong week.


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