Pictures from Seaworld

Did we go on vacation recently? We did? Really? Cold weather, crankiness, and the dreariness of January have had an amnesiac effect on me – I don't remember being gone! Good thing I took pictures. See pictures from SeaWorld at the bottom of this post.

Poor M – she is very sad that her beloved Baby is getting a little threadbare. Baby has a crack in her neck and her stuffing is so minimal now that you can feel the outline of her plastic face from the back of her head. Last night we found a local doll hospital, and I called today to see if they might be able to do a little refurbishment of her beloved peach Baby. I am awaiting a return call.

I also went to the store today to return some stuff, and bought the first few new things for M&A's baby brother, who will be named Captain Fluffball until birth, or CF for short. (That was one of M's suggestions for Lucky). CF is now the proud owner of three little blue patterned onesies and a little blue striped sleeper. I have to say this – I know it's not very nice of me – but BOY CLOTHES SUCK. Why do designers think that all boys want to wear clothes that have baseballs on them, or anchors, or "cute" sayings like "Ahoy Matey" and "Mama's Boy"? Ugh. I want to dress CF like a little Brooklyn hipster – someone who's a copywriter by day and plays in a band – don't care what instrument – at night. Hard to find those duds in the mall's 0-3 month clothes selection, but I am a good online shopper and will fight the good fight.

Thank god tomorrow is Friday. Ballet resumes tonight, spelling tests tomorrow, birthday parties this weekend, lots going on!

OH – also needed to share these great report cards I got for the girls from Religious School:

"A is an absolute joy to have in class.  She is smart, engaging, perceptive and funny.  She brings a good-natured attitude to class, and consistently makes positive contributions to discussions and activities. I can’t wait to see what next semester will bring!"

"M has been a wonderful member of my class this year!  While on the shy side, she is good natured, helpful, and considerate of her peers. She pays excellent attention in class and seems to enjoy classroom activities  M is a valuable member of our classroom community."


Ok, the pics. The little boys in the pics are Luca and Maddox, sons of our friends Jill and Jorge, who make an appearance as well. They all drove down from LA and spent the day with us at SeaWorld.

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(Big elevator that rotates that we ascended and from which we got a view of the park:)

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These are from our last morning- breakfast on the beach in Mission Bay:

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1 comment

Jill t says:

Try Rowdy Sprout clothes. Just what you’re looking for. I feel your pain about boy clothes but you save a lot of money because you’re not constantly tempted by cute stuff!

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