The Vacation By The Numbers

I haven't uploaded the vacation photos yet. I will do so tomorrow… so for today I will do a by the numbers post for our vacation.

Days spent with the girls in a row: 12 (not enough!)

Presents opened: countless

Loads of laundry done: countless

Household tasks accomplished: a lot – changed light bulbs, cleaned out rooms, cleaned out kitchen, put away presents, organized the coat closets, etc. etc. etc.

Playdates: 3 (Charlotte, Jessie (today), and Molly/Eve)

Momentous envelopes opened: 1

Transcontinental flights: 2

Amusement parks/attractions attended: 3

Movies watched: 5 (Billy Elliott, Camp Rock, Dolphin Tale, Summer Eleven, and some movie about switching places with parents whose name I can't remember)

Desserts made: 4 – white chocolate chip cookies, cake pops (disaster) and 2 banana breads, which are really a dessert when you come right down to it

Minutes after midnight the girls called us from the Campers' on NYE: 4

Lucky's beagle friends: 2 (that's him in the middle)


Pages read for our book club book (meets this Sunday): 53, 75 to go

Approximate hours it took M to read the new Wimpy Kid book (gift from Deb/Jonathan/Olivia/Ben): 2.5

Pipe cleaner creatures created by A: 17

Words submitted to girls' first Mad Libs game today before it devolved into potty humor: 2

I know there are more things I could list, but I am too tired to think of more. Tomorrow we go back to normal: work, school, speech therapy, homework. Bleh. I am still holding out for a snow day, even though none is forecast.

What a great vacation.



1 comment

Lisa says:

Sounds like a great break – glad you guys had fun!

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