Happy 2012!!

We are back! We arrived back in DC on Friday night after an uneventful trip back to DC from San Diego. I haven't uploaded any of the pictures from the trip yet, but will do so tonight or tomorrow. We have a lot of cute ones! Friday morning, we had breakfast on the beach in Mission Bay (well, on the boardwalk). Then it was a mad dash to the airport and security. We got home Friday night and picked up Lucky on the way home. We were very happy to see him.

This weekend we've been home getting organized, unpacked, and generally ready for the year to start. Last night we spent NYE with the Campers at their club. The girls had a great time with their friend Alida and M did a little bit of skating.

Here is a cute picture of the three of them on the way out. A collected LOTS of balloons:


We are finally lighting the candles for the 8th night of Hanukah and opening the remaining presents under the piano (some board games and 2 nutcrackers). Then it's a double-header of Next Great Baker. SO GLAD we have another day off tomorrow.

And finally, our big news is that we opened a very important envelope last night and learned this big news:


Excitement (and a fair amount of adjusting) going on on this end. (!)

Hopefully pictures tomorrow.

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