Nutcracker Opening Night!

Last night was the opening night of the Nutcracker (the girls' second performance at the Warner – the night before was a preview night). Once again, they were wonderful! Huge smiles. They did a great job. In the audience tonight: Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron, Grampy, the girls' friend Ian-with-an-I (who you may remember from Kindergarten, who used to say all kinds of inappropriate things to the girls) and my friend Amy and her daughters Virginia and Sofia.

At intermission, I got the girls (who were already changed) and we were able to see all of Act 2. I used Grampy's ticket and Daddy's ticket and we got back into the theater and sat toward the back. I directed the girls to an empty-ish row and told A to slide all the way down next to the man who was sitting one seat in from the aisle. It was Mr. Webre (the head of the ballet)! I couldn't believe it. He recognized the girls and smiled at them, and when they were watching and enjoying the bumblebees (who they've never seen on stage from the audience), he looked at me, remembering that they were bumblebees last year, and said, "They're so beautiful."

We tried to stay on our best behavior while sitting next to Mr. Webre.

Here are some pics from last night:

Thanksgiving and First Performance 002

Thanksgiving and First Performance 001

(Notice the Nutcracker in the background – that appears at the end of the ballet.)

Thanksgiving and First Performance 003

Thanksgiving and First Performance 005

The bottom picture is of the girls with Lily, who is Clara this year and was also Clara last year. We have a picture of her with the girls from last year too.

Today has been a very busy and fun day for the girls. First they had ballet class (yes- more ballet! thankfully the last class til January). Then we did some errands and got M some embroidery thread for naking friendship bracelets and A some pipe cleaners for making pipe-cleaner twirls. Then the girls went to a play with Daddy and Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron – Dr. Dolittle at Imagination Stage. Apparently it was "interesting". Then they went to the Planetarium at Rock Creek Park, right around the corner from here. Now they are out to dinner at Cactus Cantina! Very energetic grandparents!

I managed to get a swim and a haircut in this afternoon – both badly needed.

Tomorrow is Sunday School and mother-daughter book club. Daddy leaves for Germany til next Thursday.

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