Pics and Videos of Notebusters, 2nd Grade Presentation and Nutcracker

Girls went back to school today with much grumbling and complaining – A has a cold and doesn't feel well, while M also has a cold and has been complaining that her teeth hurt. Sadly, we all seem to have gotten sick over the Thanksgiving holiday – I am feeling pretty lousy too.

A few funny things that M has said recently… 1) She had Marketplace at school last week and decided to charge people $1 each to take a photo with her camera. Apparently that wasn't such a popular choice – she only had a few takers, so, she said, "I packed it up and moved on". That made us laugh. 2) Yesterday I told M that not all of the clowns in the Nutcracker do cartwheels (she'd like to be a clown but she can't do a cartwheel). She thought for a moment, and said, "Good to know." Such an adult.

I am now up to date on uploading pics and video – yay! So here are some more.

Some video from M's class presentation last Tuesday:

Here are some videos from A's Notebusters performance last Tuesday night (the pics I took are from so far away that you can't really see her):

(A little blurry but you get the idea.) And finally, a bunch of really cute pictures from the girls' first performance on Saturday!!


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