Golden L!

Ever since M got to Lafayette, she has wanted to earn a Golden L. Golden Ls are awarded to kids who do nice and selfless things for others. I have forgotten what M did that was so helpful, but she just got her first Golden L and she is very excited about it. Here's what it looks like:

We are very happy for her.

Tomorrow is a crazy day for all of us!

First, from 9:15-9:45, the girls are doing a presentation for parents of 2nd graders related to their Native American unit. Then, they will be at school until I pick them up at 2:50. They have a rehearsal in Anacostia from 4-5, and then we will race home and have dinner so that A can make it to her Notebusters concert on time at 6:45. Whew. I am already tired just thinking about it. Big week here!

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