A’s Report Card

A also brought home a great report card this week. This is what her teacher had to say:

A is a joy to teach. She is an attentive listener and takes great pride in her work. She readily accepts responsibilities and works well independently as well as in a group setting. She demonstrates a conscientious attitude and a consistent willingness to put effort into her daily activities. A is a great addition to our classroom!

Please encourage A to keep practicing her recall of the basic addition and subtraction factsd so that they become automatic. And, of course, encourage A to continue to read, read, read!

What great words from her teacher! She got solid 3s across the board, which means she is doing a great job but needs to keep working at her skills so that they become more comfortable for her.

And get this – 0 days tardy! Ha!!

Tomorrow is A's last Notebusters rehearsal before her performance next week. And next week is also the final rehearsals for Nutcracker and the first performance next Saturday. Lots going on!