Weekend Report

We had a fun, if exhausting weekend. Last night, the girls had a slumber party at their friend Ellie's house. Daddy and I took advantage of the empty house and had a party with a bunch of our friends over. Lots of bites and drinks, and so much fun to see everyone. The girls had a good time too. They didn't get much sleep but they had fun – frosted individual mini-cakes, watched Princess Diaries, and got glow sticks and made pipe cleaner bracelets.

Much of the weekend was spent cleaning up for or from the party, and the house looks great! The girls also had ballet and 2 Nutcracker rehearsals. They got to dance with the adult dancers in their scene, which was a real treat.

Today, the girls also had a playdate at Amy's house with Virgia and Sofia, as well as Hannah. They had a lot of fun. The dangers of hanging out with older girls: they played "Would you rather…" and "Truth or Dare" (at age 7!).

Daddy had to go on a trip tonight, but will be back on Wednesday. We were sad to see him go.

Today, M said, "I will be sad when 2011 ends." I asked why, and she said, "I have just really liked it." Awww.

Also, we discovered Pictionary Jr and have been playing it. The girls are really good!

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