What a Kid!

Last night, A said something that is magical to parents' ears. She said, "Today was a really great day!". We asked her what made it so great. She said that she: 1) got a flu shot, so now she won't get the flu; 2) had a really good day at school; 3) had a great Notebusters rehearsal; 4) had a fun ballet class; and 5) was at home with us, in her PJs, watching Daddy and Maddie play checkers, and enjoying it. So overall, it was just a great day.


Without being asked or in any way prompted, she took a bunch of her candy from her Halloween candy bag and put it in a Ziploc bag and wrote "Daddy's Candy" on it with a Sharpie.


She put a whole bunch of non-chocolate candy, including an unopened box of Hello Kitty jelly beans, into a second Ziploc bag and wrote "Mommy's Candy" on it with a Sharpie.


For the most part, A wakes up with a smile and has a great attitude all day long. Even at M's long and chilly baseball games, she finds something fun to do and entertains herself. She delights in Lucky, she cracks M up, and she's sweet to us. Everytime I tell her that she's cute, she says, "You're cuter, Mommy".

What a sweetheart.

(Have I mentioned that EVERY NIGHT, sometime between 1-6 AM, she wakes up and gets into our bed? I asked her today why she likes to do that, and she said, "I just like your bed better!")

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