Tooth Extractions

M did a great job this morning at her tooth extractions. She had 3 teeth taken out – two bottom canines and one top canine. The fourth fell out on its own about a month or two ago. It was painful, though she had nitrous oxide and doesn't remember it at all. Her gums hurt a lot afterwards, and she took Tylenol with codeine and some ibuprofen later. She was feeling well enough to go to a party at her school this afternoon that she didn't want to miss. Daddy took her back to school around 1:30 and the whole class rushed out to meet her. So cute! She came home from school about an hour and a half later and stayed home for the rest of the day.

The girls relaxed this afternoon, after a long and busy week. Tonight we read almost 50 pages of More All of a Kind Family for book club on Sunday – thanks to Daddy who read some of it to them as well. We only have 20 pages left to finish.

M wrote a very funny note to the Tooth Fairy tonight which I will photograph before the Tooth Fairy comes tonight so that I can post it on the blog. In short, she has asked for three things: 1) a metal detector; 2) a laptop; and 3) a one million dollar bill.

Busy weekend ahead – ballet class, 2 ballet rehearsals, baseball game, and Sunday School. Daddy and I have M's class potluck dinner tomorrow night.


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