Blackberry Pics and Adam Hicks

I didn't post last night, thanks to a nightmarish 6 hour train trip back from NY, where I had spent the day. Didn't get home til after midnight. I went to the girls' room to kiss them, and M was awake! She said that she had been up reading one of the Wimpy Kid books until 12:12! So funny and cute. And something I would have done. She wasn't cranky this morning, but I bet she will be by late afternoon/early evening (which it is now).

A funny story. On Sunday, we were driving and listening to the girls' favorite radio station, Radio Disney. They were talking about a singer they really like – Adam Hicks – who is a (g-rated) rapper. They were each going on and on about how they were "totally in love" with him. M said that she is going to marry him. Then A said, "Well, you can marry him first, but then you will have a big fight with him and you guys will get divorced, and then I will marry him."

Ah, so innocent.

[Then I told them that I was going to put that story on the blog, and A said, "Here's what it will say: 'I was driving in the car with M&A, and they were talking about Adam Hicks. Then A said…'". Hee!]

Here are some pics that Daddy took on his phone on Monday at the Halloween party/parade:







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