My Little Old Ladies

M's stye is better. She did go to the nurse's office a few times yesterday – she LOVES going to the nurse's office. It's cute and sort of sad at the same time. I got a call from the nurse in the afternoon, who had sent M back to class because there wasn't much more to be done with her eye. I gave her a little Advil this morning because she said it still hurt, but that's about all that we can do.

A (perhaps in response to M's complaining about her stye) started complaining about a sore foot/ankle this morning too. There was much moaning and whimpering from both en route out the door to school. I felt like I was walking two elderly women to the car – it took about 3 minutes and they both got in incredibly gingerly. Do mothers of boys have to deal with this?

Today is a busy day for activities: Notebusters after school and then ballet from 6:30-7:45. M has to recite a poem tomorrow AM that goes like this:

They chose me from my brothers,
"That's the nicest one!" they said.
And they carved me out a face,
And put a candle in my head.
Then they set me on the doorstep,
Oh, the night was dark and wild.
When they lit the candle,
Then I smiled!

Here are some pictures that a friend took at the last Mother-Daughter book club. She said she had to take a photo of me and M&A on the couch "because they look like they actually want to spend time with you". Awwww.



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