
I have THE CUTEST pictures that the girls drew to scan and post, but the scanner function on the copy machine isn't working. I hate when that happens! I really wanted to post them today. Oh well, I will do it when the machine is up and running again.

We are in need of a weekend. It has been a looong week for everyone in our house, for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, the weekend isn't shaping up to be too relaxing – we have 1 ballet class, 2 Nutcracker rehearsals, one Fall Festival, Sunday School, and a baseball game. The girls will have to develop Superman-like skills where they can go into a phone booth ("A what?" they would ask) and change clothes in 3 seconds. Baseball and Fall Festival and ballet do not share similar outfits.

Daddy returns from Pakistan tomorrow and we are all happy about that.

A's teacher is coming to the house tonight for the class potluck dinner, which A is very excited about. Not sure yet what our beagle strategy should be – cage upstairs? Roam free and delight guests downstairs?

Happy 20th birthday Emily!!!


1 comment

DebbieWager says:

I get exhausted reading your about activities!

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