Jam-packed Thursday

The girls had a long day today, and can be forgiven their crankiness before bed!

They had a field trip to the Arboretum. Other than a koi pond, I haven't really heard much about what they saw. I do know that they were there almost the whole day, and that while it was windy, it didn't rain. I didn't get any complaints about their lunches, so that's good.

After school, A had Notebusters and M hung around and did a little reading. Then they came home and had a bath, and changed for ballet. I feel badly because apparently they fell asleep on their way to ballet – aw. I went to pick them up at ballet and brought Lucky with me, which delighted A very much. She brought him into the studio to show him off.

After ballet we came home and finished up homework. A doesn't have to take a spelling test tomorrow because she got 100% on the pre-test on Monday.

I have some cute artwork to scan in tomorrow. We are hosting the potluck dinner for A's class here tomorrow night so her teacher will be here. M is sad that we aren't hosting HER class dinner here, but I offered and they didn't take me up on it. I am sad for many reasons that Daddy is missing it.

Off to bed!

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