Thursday Report

It has been a few days since I last posted. The girls are having an easy week – not much homework, because it's a three day week (off Monday and Friday) and they didn't have to do much. A had a spelling test today, but because she got all the words right in the pre-test on Tuesday, she didn't have to take the test today. M had to recite her poem today and did well, although her teacher said she had to put more emotion in it.

M is getting some teeth pulled in three weeks, and she is SO eager to do it right now that she asks me every day if we can move the appointment earlier. I think that some of her friends told her that she has "vampire teeth", which upset her. She wants them out. A has a loose tooth too – her third.

Lucky the dog is great, except that he seems to think that it's OK to go to the bathroom in the house. Good thing he is so unbelievably cute that we forgive him every time. He goes very willingly into his crate and he LOVES to play.

We have a very full weekend. Tomorrow Daddy and I are going very early to the school for parent-teacher conferences. I am sure they will be glowing!


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