First Sleepover

Here's what's up this weekend.

The Nats are 1-3. We won today and you would think they won a postseason game by the way N, M and I reacted to the go ahead double.

A has Senior Skip Day tomorrow. She and Charlotte and Dylan just left for a Sunday night party. They are wearing "White Lies" tshirts. A's says "I'm Quiet"; Charlotte's says "I'm Loud" and Dylan's says "This is A Men's Shirt" (it's A's shirt).

N's baseball game was canceled yesterday due to wet field. He could then play in his soccer game… except the other team forfeited, so it was a scrimmage.

N had his first sleepover party last night! Allen and Lowell came over and they had fun. They didn't go to bed that late, but they woke up really early. Also on the agenda: pizza, make your own sundaes, a movie (Swindle, of course), Despicable Me III (this AM), and some sketchy sneaking around and running up and down stairs.


N's cute haircut:


Hobart and Chloe coexisting nicely:


Hobart at a booster shot appointment on Friday:



N with Hobart:

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