The Weekend By The Numbers

Here is the weekend, by the numbers…

Temperature this morning for Allie's photo shoot: 93 degrees (Thanks again, Gloria! Can't wait to see the pics.)

Days swimming at Grampy's pool: 2 (Thanks, Grampy!)

Kids' books acquired at bookstores and library sale: Many

New restaurants tried: 1 – Shake Shack

Dinners with friends: 1 – tonight, at the Levines'

Dogs bathed: 1

Passport pictures taken: 2 (for the girls' visas for Russia)

Boring trips to Macy's for sheets/luggage: 1

Number of times I was paged to "meet my party at the Home Store" during said trip: 1

Movies watched: 1 – Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Part II

Exhausted parents: 2

1 comment

a says:

All of you certainly keep busy, even in the heat. I hope the weather gets better where you are (it’s 74 degrees here but we may reach 79). Keep cool and enjoy the summer.
Aunt Ann

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