A Few Pics from the Lake

Yesterday, I passed through four states – PA, NJ, IL and UT – to end up here in Park City. It's been a good conference so far, though I am really missing Dan and the girls at the lake house and wish that one of these trips could have been on a different week!

Long day ahead of me here at the conference, where I am speaking this morning about social media and TV/entertainment. (And a long day yesterday – woke up at 530 EST and went to bed at midnight Mountain time.)

Here are some pics from the lake!

Shohola 108 

Shohola 062 

Fancydress day 027 

Fancydress day 029 

Fancydress day 069 

Fancydress day 049 

Shohola 056 

Shohola 045 

Shohola 076 

1 comment

a says:

Thank you for the lovely photos of all of you. M and A seem to be having lots of fun. The lake is lovely. Sorry mommy had to leave early.
Aunt Ann

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