My Last Day at the Lake

Sadly, this is my last night here at the lake. I am leaving tomorrow to go to Park City, UT for a conference for the rest of the week. Dan is staying here with the girls and returning to DC on Sunday. I am so sad to be leaving – I will really miss the girls so much. We've had a really relaxing time here. Lots of swimming in the lake, kayaking, jigsaw puzzles, eating, (some) sleeping, s'mores, baseball, and cousin time. It has been a nice break for us and it's just beautiful here. The lake is very serene, especially during the week.

I will upload pics by the end of the weekend.

In the meantime, A and Olivia were hanging out on the dock yesterday and A started asking me a series of questions about jail, which were pretty interesting.

Q: Do you get food in jail?

Q: Do you have to eat the food they give you in jail?

Q: Is the food in jail poisoned?

Q: Do they serve you cupcakes with worms in them?

Q: Do you get any dessert in jail?

Q: Do they take all of your food and smush it up into little pieces?

Q: What happens if you are sick in jail?

Q: Can you bring games and books to jail?

Q: Can you bring food that you like?

Q: Is jail a good place for robbers?

Oh, those girls are SO cute and entertaining. I can't get enough of either one, and for totally different reasons. I will miss them a lot for the next few days.

1 comment

a says:

It’s great that you had such a wonderful time at the lake. Sorry Mom had to leave early. Love the questions that A asked. So bright!
Aunt Ann

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