Second Day of Camp, Better Than the First

Thank you to Grandma Sandy, who took the girls to camp this morning and picked them up (I was on a one-day trip to NY). They say that they had a better day today than yesterday, which is good. They sang some songs to me that they learned, and M mentioned a boy in her class that she said was nice. My mom said that when Imogene took the girls into the room this morning, she could tell that the counselors already like M&A a lot.

Grandma took the girls out for ice cream after camp, which they loved.

Daddy is coming home tomorrow AM. We will be glad to have him back from his trip.

Here are some more pictures from the bat mitzvah:

NJ6.11 063 

NJ6.11 047 

Rachel BM 11 

NJ6.11 065 

NJ6.11 067 

Tomorrow - pics from Carlo's Bakery!

1 comment

a says:

The photos are wonderful. Thank you for them. M and A will learn to really like camp before it’s over.
Aunt Ann

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