It has been a bit of a long week.
M was sick on Monday, and still doesn't feel 100%. I got a call from the doctor today that M's urine culture came back negative, despite the white blood cells she saw on Monday. So we don't know what is causing her stomachaches. The doctor says to wait until Monday and see if it's any better. M still says her stomach hurts after she eats. We need to get to the bottom of it.
I have double ear infections now, and they kept me up for 2 hours in the middle of the night last night. Ugh. I am on antibiotics now and will keep up the Advil, but it's not much better today.
Daddy has returned from his trip to Pakistan, and everyone will be sleeping in his or her own bed tonight! Maybe that will lead to a better night's sleep for everyone.
M and A have alternately been a bit difficult before bed this week. Tuesday night it was A, and last night it was M. She gave me a very hard time about pillow placement before I turned out the lights. I didn't get angry; I just said goodnight calmly and went downstairs. A must have felt bad about the fact that she and M had been doing quite a bit of fussing, because a few minutes later she brought down this note, which made me laugh. I hadn't even mentioned Daddy being gone.
It was pretty sweet though.
Tomorrow is the last full day of school! I am sad to see this year come to an end. I have liked the girls' teachers and their classes, and they have done really well. I am not that sad about not making lunches for a whole week, though! (Then camp starts and I am back to making lunches.)
I have a fun day tomorrow too – it's our company volunteer day and I get to go to an animal shelter and help out for several hours. Then I am speaking at a digital media conference in Arlington about Facebook.
I’m sure things will be better when daddy comes home. The note from M and A is so sweet and loving. I hope both of them, and mommy, feel better by now.
Aunt Ann
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