More Pics

Yay – the weekend is almost here! On tap: ballet, last Sunday School class, mother-daughter book club, errands, etc. Tuvana and her family are in town as well so hopefully we will catch a glimpse of them!

Here are some more pics from last weekend – the ballet recital and riding bikes.

BalletBikingArtsNight 030 

BalletBikingArtsNight 032 

BalletBikingArtsNight 046 

BalletBikingArtsNight 043 

BalletBikingArtsNight 047 

BalletBikingArtsNight 037 

BalletBikingArtsNight 039 

BalletBikingArtsNight 036 

BalletBikingArtsNight 040 

1 comment

a says:

Thanks for the lovely photos. M and A seem to love their new bikes, and will soon ride them without the training wheels. They look adorable.
Aunt Ann

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