Famous in a Traditional Media Kind of Way

This morning, I suddenly remembered that I had submitted the girls' birthday to the calendar in KidsPost. It comes out on Mondays, so I went to yesterday's paper and found the listing. Sure enough, there they are! (No pics, sadly – though I did submit them.)


When I showed it to A this morning, she looked at it, read it, smiled, and then said, "Does anyone actually read this?" So sad.

After work, I came home, supervised homework, and then took the girls and Allie to the ice cream place again. Lovely night for a walk.

Here is something cute that M wrote at school today (her phrases are underlined and in italics):

When spring is almost here I see flowers blooming.

I also see the sun shining.

The weather becomes warm and hot.

When it is springtime I like to pick the flowers from the front of my house and make them as a centerpiece.

In this picture I am flying a kite that I desined.

A good place to fly a kite is at the beach.

I would like to fly a kite because it is fun and the good thing is everybody can do it.

1 comment

a says:

I’m sorry that M and A’s photos were not in the papers. They certainly deserve recognition. Again, I wish the girls a very happy birthday with love, hugs, and kisses.
Aunt Ann

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