Kids Day 2011

Today was Kids Day 2011 at Discovery. It was a lot of fun for the girls. They heard from shark and aquarium experts, did arts and crafts, played outside, had lots of sweets, and got to hang out with me most of the day! Then on the way home we stopped at a DC blogger event and they got their faces painted. All in all, a fun day. I, meanwhile, am exhausted beyond belief.

Back to school tomorrow. Here are pics from the day:

Arriving at work:

Kids Day 001 

Kids Day 002 

Kids Day 003 

Hanging out in my office with my colleagues:

Kids Day 004 

Kids Day 005 

Kids Day 007 

Playing Wii with some other kids at the end of the day:

Kids Day 012 

Kids Day 010 

Drawings on Christina's whiteboard:

Kids Day 015 

Kids Day 016 
 Drawing on Amber's whiteboard:

Kids Day 019 

Kids Day 020 

Kids Day 021

The amazing facepaint from tonight: 

Kids Day 023 

Kids Day 027

Questionnaires from today (click to see larger): 



1 comment

a says:

M and A certainly are busy girls. I can see why mommy is tired, but happy. The pictures are great. Love to all of you.
Aunt Ann

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