Sunday, Not By The Numbers

This was an exhausting Sunday. Reminds me of when the girls were younger in terms of physical activity and tiredness.

Woke up… shopping for Passover… errands… girls off to a birthday party… picked them up from the birthday party… came home and took a quick nap (me, not them!)… then to the park with bicycles and Allie and Daddy for a hike/ride… then back to the car and another dead battery… then Grandma Sandy to the rescue with jumper cables and a lift home… then dinner at Grandma Sandy's… then home. Whew.



Tomorrow night Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron arrive for a very quick visit, including a seder. Tomorrow we will be cooking and preparing, and taking the car for service and haircuts for the girls.

Oh and our vacation officially starts when we do NOT go to work.



1 comment

a says:

All of you really had a rough time. Sorry. I wish all of you a very sweet Passover.
Aunt Ann

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