I have fallen asleep without posting the last two nights. I think I was tired! But it's Friday at 10:38PM and I am awake enough to write a post, finally.
First, here is something funny that happened this week. Grandma went to the ballet and ran into Mr. Webre there – he's the head of the Washington Ballet. She stopped to talk to him, and then she said that her granddaughters were in the Nutcracker. She told him their names, and he said, "Oh! I love M & A!" Then she took a picture of him holding her phone, which has a picture of M & A on it. Here it is:
The girls got their report cards today and they were great!
Here they are:
A: "A continues to make good growth in reading. She is beginning to read above grade level. She is improving in writing, constructing longer stories, and using more punctuation. She is making high marks in her reading theme tests. A did well in math this quarter, identifying geometric shapes, constructing fact families, solving addition problems to 18, measuring in centimeters, and counting quarters. She works hard and always does her best." When I read that to her, she said "Daddy is going to be really proud of me."
M: "M has worked very hard this quarter. She has done a great job reading and comprehending Ramona Quimby, Age 8 in her reading group and confidently completed her independent assignments. M's writing has improved with her attention to detail, remembering to write to the topic, and make digressions less frequent. In math, M can identify two and three-dimensional shapes and can confidently count coins and tell and write time to the nearest five minutes. M continues to be helpful to her classmates, offering assistance to those in need on her own accord."
They both got very good marks on the individual subjects and milestones.Great job, girls!
And a sign of how strict M's teacher is compared to A's:
Tardies for the year:
M: 1st Q: 10, 2nd Q: 7, 3rd Q: 4
A: Ist Q: 1, 2nd Q: 0, 3rd Q: 0
Meanwhile, the girls are dropped off together every day and walk into their classrooms at the exact same time!
Ok, more tomorrow.
Please tell M and A that I’m very proud of them and love them very much. They are doing remarkable work in school. M and A are very special young ladies.
Aunt Ann
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