Exciting news: A was accepted at the University of Washington! She's in, she's going to college. If not Seattle, then somewhere else. CONGRATS, A!
Today N and I went to the latest iteration of the MCPOM Consignment Sale. It's much smaller than in previous years, and instead of tagging clothes and toys and entering them into a consignment system, now you just rent a table from MCPOM and sell your stuff yourself. The # of shoppers was kind of low, but we still made over $200, which we are putting towards an Xbox. N was a lot of fun to be with. He had good strategies for selling things, getting people's interest, and setting up the table. Even when times were slow, we still managed to laugh a lot. I had a great time with him.
And M and I got matching manicures today which was also fun. I love that Dylan texted her afterwards and changed the subject away from his soccer scrapeup from today and said, "More importantly… UR NAILS LOOK SO GOOD!!" He's the best boyfriend ever.
Plus cute Hobart pic of the day: