Kidz Bop Wii

Today was Jump Rope For Heart. The whole school jump-roped to raise money for heart disease. The girls didn't get any sponsors, which means that Daddy and I will be their only sponsors. Sadly, that means they won't win any great prizes, which require lots and lots of money to be raised. A did win a "door prize", which was a water bottle. M didn't get a door prize.

Tonight we celebrated it being Friday with some Wii and some ice cream. Here are the girls dancing to Kidz Bop:



Very cute.

Also cute: tonight M got ice cream from the freezer, scooped it into two bowls, and put it out on the counter with spoons for her and A.

We're all really tired tonight. Tomorrow I am going to Austin TX for a few days for SXSW. I am excited to go but sad to leave the girls for a few days.

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