The Weekend By The Numbers

Minutes A&M spent hula hooping at halftime: 15 (consecutive)

Climbs done by A&M at Earth Treks yesterday: 6 (combined)

Movies watched: 1 (High School Musical II)

Large dinners cooked: 1 – chili, cornbread, rice, salad, blondies (white and dark chocolate), bread/jam/pecorino appetizer

Friends over for Super Bowl: 4 (Matt, Ellen, Isabel, Celia)

Best ads: NFL Loves Their Fans, Volkswagen Passat

Joseph and Multicolored Dreamcoat pictures drawn at Sunday School: 2 – very cute

Birthday parties attended: 1

Drop-off birthday parties attended: 0

Amount of time Mommy spent at non-drop-off birthday party: 15 minutes

New words added to weekly dictionary list from Grandma Dina: 4 – fable, general (A); freshly, gallery (M)

Random new toys acquired: Boppit

Minutes spent playing on ugh

That's the Super Bowl Sunday report from here. Congratulations, Packers! You played a good game.

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