So, it has been an interesting 24 hours.
I came home from work yesterday at 4:30 when it started snowing. Took me an hour to get home, and then it took Imogene over two hours to drive home. Meanwhile, it started thunderstorming, and our power went out at 7 PM. Fun night of candles and flashlights and dropping temperatures. Daddy left work at 7, and it took him 3 hours to get home. Terrible gridlock and traffic all over DC. While we were waiting for Daddy, M&A watched High School Musical on the DVD player, which was thankfully charged.
We all slept in our bed last night, with two duvet covers. We were actually quite warm, though a bit crowded. Today we woke up to a very chilly house. Daddy and I shoveled and the girls helped get the snow off of the bushes. Then we went to Sarah's house, where the kids all played and I charged the following:
- blackberry
- remote blackberry charger
- DVD player
- netbook (just in case)
- iPad
- remote laptop charger
After Sarah's, the girls went to a playdate at Emily's house, and Daddy and I went back to our now-frigid house. We realized it was simply too cold for us to sleep there. We decided to sleep at Grampy and Nana's, which is where we are now. Nana made us a lovely dinner, and the girls had a bath, finished homework, and watched American Idol. It is so nice to be in a warm, cozy house. Thank you, Grampy and Nana!
Not sure about school tomorrow – we've driven by the school twice and the lights are not on. Hard to imagine power will be back in time. Either way, it's a 2 hour delay.
This picture sums up the day very well. It is Daddy, carrying our fish tank (!) to Emily's house, so that the fish could be in warm water. (We had been supplementing the tank with hot water, but were worried about what would happen overnight. We plugged the heater in at Emily's house.)
I told Daddy it reminded me of the Cat in the Hat juggling all kinds of things, including a fish tank:
Oh my God – what an ordeal = glad you were able to warm up a bit !
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