The Eternal Cycle of Disappointment

Daddy has some people over tonight from his camp. Whenever we are having company over, the girls go through the following cycle:

EXCITEMENT at the prospect of people at the house —>

MORE EXCITEMENT as the arrival of the guests gets closer —->

PEAK OF EXCITEMENT as guests arrive and girls decide what to wear and how/when to make their entrance—>

SHYNESS/WARINESS as they look around the room and see unfamiliar faces —>

IMMEDIATE DISAPPOINTMENT when they realize that the room is full of boring adults they don't know who are just standing around and talking —>

SHIFTED ATTENTION to the food and desserts on the table  —->

FIXATION on the desserts and negotiation tactics to get us to agree to give them more than one  —->

RESIGNATION that the people at the party aren't going to get more interesting —->

IRRITATED BOREDOM quelled only by getting Mommy to play a game or give them her iPad —->


Tonight was no exception.

Here is some very cute artwork that A made based on some Disney promotion they saw online (?) about the oil spill? (Note to self – look into the Disney promotion). These are nature-inspired pictures, presumably of what the oil spill cleanup is trying to protect… How cute are these???




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