The (Long) Weekend By The Numbers

Nights that the girls have spent sleeping on the floor in a fort made up of a comforter cover stretched over our bench and their bedposts: 4.

Hours earlier than usual the girls woke up at Emily's house today after sleeping over: 2

Movies seen by Mommy this weekend: 3 (2 in theaters (Black Swan and Yogi Bear) and one On Demand (Catfish))

Movies seen by girls this weekend: 2 (1 at Daddy's colleague's house where we had brunch (Despicable Me) and 1 in theater (Yogi Bear))

Worst movie of the lot, by a long shot: Black Swan (awful, unwatchable)

Cost of American Girl bed that M is begging for: $118

Chuck E. Cheese birthday parties attended: 1 (Aidan M.)

Prizes won by girls for redeemed tickets: peace sign necklace and tootsie roll (A) and 2 bracelets (M)

Minutes both bracelets remained on M's wrist before one was lost: 20

Minutes it took Daddy and M to find it (in Old Navy dressing room): about 8

Girls' Night Dinners attended by M&A: 1 (with Mommy and Andrea K.)

# of pages read of next weekend's book club book: 0

Likelihood of school opening on time tomorrow: ? (it's sleeting – yuck)

Days run: 3

Here are some pictures from recent events.

After tubing at Massanutten:


Washington Monument tour:



1 comment

a says:

You certainly saw loads of movies this weekend. M and A also had a busy and fun time. The photos are great.
Aunt Ann

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