Errand Day

Today was Errand Day. After ballet, we did the following errands:

  • Sullivan's to buy three birthday presents for upcoming birthday parties;
  • Staples to buy glue and glue sticks;
  • CVS to buy new shampoo for the girls;
  • PetSmart to buy dog food, new dog bowls, new plants for the aquarium, and an aquarium cleaner;
  • Ramer's for new sneakers for A since her old ones hurt her feet; and
  • The video store, unsuccessfully, to rent The Social Network for Daddy or Catfish.

At home, the girls had a snack and played Tinkertoys with Daddy. They made a car (M will take a picture of it). Then I went for a run, and then M&A and I had dinner with my friend Andrea. A "girls' night", even if two of the girls are 6. (Her son was going to come but he ended up not coming.)

Here are the book reports the girls wrote about Charlotte's Web.

Here is A's:

Jan art2 

Here is M's:

Jan art3 

1 comment

a says:

This was a busy “girl’s day”. So much to do. The pictures M and A drew about Charlotte’s Web are precious. Thanks for sharing.
Aunt Ann

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