The girls went back to school today and all went smoothly. Two exciting developments – we left ON TIME and were the FIRST ones in the class line today. (Well, A was second and M was first.) It helped that I didn't have work today and didn't have to shower and get ready for work. Hoping that we can keep the resolution tomorrow too.
The other development – I got the girls Thermoses and sent hot soup for lunch today. They liked it! They managed to screw the tops on pretty tightly (I think A asked a boy in her class to help) so no spillage on the way home. This is a great new option for us – will try for warm pasta, etc. now too!
Everyone seemed OK with being back at school today. A was so enjoying her homework tonight that we did almost the entire week's.
M finished the Ramona book she was reading. I went to the library and got them some new books for their book baskets, so all of the books in there now are new and unread.
My vacation ends tonight. I have been pretty productive – cleaned out the basement, coat closets, and my den; got the videos and photos organized (though I didn't get to start any albums yet), put away and organized the girls' artwork; got rid of lots of stuff and extra furniture; plus lots of other little things. The fish tank is clean, my car is washed, and my bills are paid.
Thanks to Grandma Sandy for keeping me company tonight when I made dinner and helped with homework!
Back to work tomorrow.
Everything sounds great at your house. M and A are such wonderful girls. Their teachers must be grateful to have them as students.
Good for mommy and Grandma Sandy for all the good work they did.
Aunt Ann
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