I missed another day of posting – Christmas Day. We had a great time at Nana and Grampy's last night. The most exciting part: the two new additions to our family – Julie and Emily. They are American Girl dolls, and Julie belongs to M and Emily belongs to A. M&A are very excited about the dolls. They have been brushing their hair and changing their clothes all day. Last night, they got pajamas that matched the pajamas their dolls were wearing, which was adorable. Today they are wearing their hair just like the dolls' hair. We had a lot of fun spending Christmas at Nana and Grampy's, as we do every year!
Today was a relatively quiet day. We were expecting lots of snow, and everyone north and south of us got lots of snow, but we hardly got any. I went to the mall at 8:30 AM for post-Christmas shopping and got a few things that I needed at a great price. I saw Tuvana for a little while and we went to Old Navy and picked up a few things for the kids. (We were supposed to meet at Politics and Prose but it wasn't open yet). Then M and A and I had lunch with my old friend Karen H. and her daughters Sophie and Violet. We went to Potomac Pizza and had fun hanging out. M&A taught S&V the moves to "Howdown Throwdown", which their babysitter Julia taught them.
Then the girls decided they wanted to clean off our next door neighbor's front walk and their car. (There was about 1 inch of snow on the ground). It was very cute. Then they helped us address and stamp our holiday cards, which will hopefully go out tomorrow or Tuesday.
Here are some pics from Christmas Eve:
And here are some very cute pics of the girls from the dentist on Wednesday:
Thank you for the great photos. Sorry I haven’t been able to write sooner — a physical problem in an old lady. Things are getting better. I’m glad you enjoyed Christmas. I wish all of you a happy New Year.
Aunt Ann
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